Saturday, May 14, 2005

embarking on an imaginary relationship?

i figured that since i'm at work (which means i have a high-speed connection and can open extra windows without my computer making strange noises and threatening to blow up) i'd try to add some links to past posts. i was going to insert this one into my previous post, where i mentioned "girlfriend of the year", but upon further examination, i felt inspired to give it a post of its own. (i thought this might be the counterpart for the other sex, but i was disappointed. however, this was an interesting find.)

so, i've started roaming around the imaginary girlfriend site, and i've discovered there are earning opportunities! how cool is this? i can earn $30 to $100 by pretending to be someone's girlfriend. (how do i claim that on my taxes? i don't recall "imaginary girlfriend" being listed among the options......)

finally- men could actually want to pretend to date me......and i'd get paid for it.

wait a minute- would that make me an imaginary escort? that might not be such a good thing for the resume. perhaps we shouldn't tell anyone else about this. (then again, it's not like i'd be bringing in enough to be mistaken for one of those girls. remember that post about the escort who called the cops when some of the disney on ice skaters wanted more than she was willing to give for their $400?)

this could make up for all those times in high school when no one would even pretend to date me. ah- soothing my wounded self-esteem with a little creative writing for cash. call it "alternative therapy", or whatever else you like, i'm calling it something to consider......especially since i have decent writing skills and may really need the extra money soon. i may have to dig up some halfway decent pictures of myself and fill out an application. (i sincerely hope a link's not enough to jinx something....)

i'm on the air this morning for the first time in three weeks, and i need to plow through my latest issues of rolling stone and details for interesting little tidbits to share during my show. perhaps i'll be able to get back on later and share the really interesting stuff with you.....multiple choice quiz, anyone?


Gardener-Sinya said...

Hello, I'm happy to see you on my blog.

Kal said...

Hey - I'll pretend-date anyone who leaves a comment on my blog...

Umm... kidding honey...

(okay, she's gone.)

Anonymous said...

Holy cow I didn't know such sites exist. My lonely days are over :-D

Larry said...

Thanks. Now if I can only get one of those pretend girlfriends to go with me to DMB I won't have to give the extra ticket to one of my friends.

Now a comment about the disney on ice performers and possibly spending their cash at an adult entertainment venue. I have had the misfortune of stumbling into some pretty horrific clubs in my time. I would post about one in West Virginia but I think I am still suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from that one. Thanks Al.

joanne said...

Ooo, me likes those links! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I definitely like yours. What an idea, a pretend boyfriend would be nice!

duff said...

it's sad, but true- i got asked out by a grand total of 1 guy in high school. i went to a couple of dances by myself, and my little sister (a freshman at the time!) went to my senior prom while i stayed home. (or did i flee to mama's for the weekend? i can't remember........)

and yes, i'm a radio dj. just a part timer, but the city of columbia gets to hear me nonetheless.

(the wnok link to the left goes to my section of the station's website.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, you were at home during that prom that I went to. I remember because I had snagged a couple ballons, dropped them off at the house before after prom, and the next day when I went to check out my little latex friends, you had popped them all. So, nope, you weren't in Lawrence. (I think you went out with Heather and friends that night too.)

Anonymous said...

btw, you still owe me some unpopped helium filled latex balloons for that. :-(

brandzero said...

My first usage of the BLog and happy to see your comment. I set to post some interesting photos taken in England and Europe.

duff said...

diana: i was not out with heather that night- she went to our senior prom. i'm pretty sure i fled to mama's, as i wasn't going to sit at home trying to figure out how you wound up with a (male) date and i did not.

ah well- i'll show them. i'll be rich and famous by our 10-year reunion.

shit- is that next year already?
better shoot for 15.