Saturday, January 17, 2009

at a loss for words

i'm working on something.

actually, i should be working on several somethings- decluttering my apartment, scribbling on avon brochures, cooking something for dinner, working on my billing stuff- but i figured before i started any of those projects, i'd work on scribbling something to submit to newsweek's my turn column.

i had a topic of interest, and i've managed to pound out about half of the 900-word maximum.....

....but i got stuck.

here's the most frustrating part: the article i'm attempting to write is about language.


Larry said...

What part of language? Is it too broad for you to make work in 900 words? Think about it. I had to do a report on music. I chose politics in music. I had to narrow it way down to make it work. But, until I narrowed it down, I couldn't get it out at all. It turns out I just didn't have a good starting point or ending point. Once I did, it worked perfectly.

just some dude said...

Uhm , what?! I'm a little drunk, you're going to have to put your post into single syllable words and tongue clicks for me tonight. ;-)

*word verification* "horicang".....A monkey woman who is capable of stealing your soul. Of which you are not.

#note# Someone in my house drank 3'4ths of a bottle of Absolute tonight, and I'm home alone. :-)

duff said...

larry: i think the problem is that i started writing with the newsweek restrictions in mind- rather than justpounding out something and then going back to edit it. (i'm terrible when it comes to editing myself.) it's still sitting on my computer at home- unfinished.....

dude: you don't think i'm capable of stealing your soul? foolish boy.

as for the absolut, i'd suggest checking to see if you have any alcoholic mice staggering around....